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Classes Offered

online chemistry courses with incorporated labs are offered at WSU in general, organic, and biochemistry
Chem 1130 (5 Cr, lab included)
Chem 1110 (5 Cr, lab included)
Chem 1120 (5 Cr, lab included)

Brief Descriptions:

Chem 1130 and 1110 are beginning courses with no previous chemistry courses required.  Only very basic mathematical skills will be used.

The courses (1130 and 1110) do not have to be taken in sequence.  For example, 1130 does not have to be taken before 1110.  Each of these two courses is a starting point and assumes no previous chemistry background.

Chem 1120: Organic and Biochemistry.  This course would be taken after General or Introductory Chemistry.